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Score Testing Center Launches College Credit Test!
Imagine cutting months off your degree completion requirements in practically no time at all or checking off a few elective credits in just one weekend.
DSST is an effective method to provide your college with evidence of prior learning. In fact, the 38 exams available at a competitive fee complement other credit by exam programs such as CLEP. Prior Learning Assessment will help you accelerate your path to degree completion while saving you the time it takes to sit through a course as well as the additional dollars spent on tuition.
Score Testing Center is honored to be a one of the prime test provider across the region. At Over 500+ exams testing services available in our company, DSST is one of a kind test that support faster way to get a degree.
While the exams are funded for active-duty military and their spouses, DSST tests are not just for those in the military. Adult learners, homeschooled students, and military veterans are also eligible to earn college credits through DSST.
State of the ART FACILITY!
State of the Art Testing Facility! That's the way of Score! For over 7 years of consistent qualified test administration, Score testing center has developed the most secured and comfortable way of testing. Dealt with sophisticated security systems, cameras and audio recorders, partitioned candidate spaces, separate rooms for Paper-based and computer-based test, a huge parking area around the building that makes it more accessible.
This is one of the best physical properties of Score Testing Center.
In terms of the management, Well! Exceptional! The employees are well trained to deliver different kinds of exams that aim for excellent and qualified testing experience. Mentored with Strict Compliance to the policies and regulations of the test sponsors, The Score Team is all ready to facilitate with best outcome.
So when you want the best testing center? Well, you can find it here at score testing center! Where the opportunities awaits you!
Join the Best from the Best that you can be!