Call Us Now: 06 54 54 644
"The mission of Iso-Quality Testing, Inc. (IQT) is to provide secure, user-friendly, high quality, reasonably-priced computerized examination delivery services to credentialing bodies, and the candidates which they examine, at available secure and monitored locations around the world." We are fully committed to providing comprehensive and cost-effective computer-based testing solutions to credentialing bodies, and competent consultation services on matters pertaining to the administration of examinations via computer. The term ISO refers to OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS, and reflects our core philosophy of providing optimal and high-quality solutions to our clients. ISO Quality has a high level of variations of test sponsor that caters Medical certifications for doctors and practitioners, Agricultural tests, IT and Social Science certifications, and many others that suits to the client needs in achieving their dreams.
Register for an exam online.
Candidates must sign in to their accounts using a ISO Quality username and password. They must sign-up their accounts and schedule their exams online.
Appearing for the Exam
After successfully completed the registration process. The registrants will receive an email from ISO Quality confirming their test schedule and the selected test center. On the day of exam, please arrive at the testing center 15 to 30 minutes before the exam starting time.
Exam Requirements
To be allowed into the testing room, candidates must present 2 forms of identification, including one government issued photo identification. Both forms of identification must have candidate's signature.
The following are examples of valid identifications containing a permanently affixed photograph qualify:
driver's license
state/country identification card
school ID
military ID
credit card
The most important requirements before taking the exam is the ISO QUALITY Authorization Letter with the Candidate CODE and Password. Your exam will not be started without this document. Candidates may bring necessary materials and references as needed under the approval of the ISO QUALITY which are instructed in the Authorization Letter that was sent to you prior to the examination date.
Rescheduling or Canceling an Exam
Exams that have been scheduled through the ISO QUALITY website.
After the exam
A report is printed upon exam completion, showing score and pass/fail indication.
Upon passing an exam, the certification is mailed to candidate and the delivery date varies upon the exam vendor provided the exam.