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Sharjah IELTS





iTEP Academic is the best way for colleges and universities to evaluate the English proficiency of their students or prospective students. Institutions around the US use iTEP Academic for:

  • Admissions

  • Placement

  • Progress evaluation

  • Teacher assessment

  • Guiding course instruction and curriculum development

  • Determining eligibility for scholarships

Test Structure


  • Reading – 20 minutes/2 parts

  • Part 1: One intermediate-level passage about 250 words in length followed by 4 multiple-choice questions

  • Part 2: One college-level paragraph about 450 words in length followed by 6 multiple-choice question

  • Listening – 20 minutes/3 parts

    • Part 1: Four high-beginning to low-intermediate-level conversations of 2-3 sentences, each followed by 1 multiple-choice question.

    • Part 2: One 2- to 3-minute intermediate-level conversation followed by 4 multiple-choice questions.

    • Part 3: One 4-minute lecture followed by 6 multiple-choice questions.

  • Grammar (Structure) – 10 minutes/1 part

    This section is comprised of twenty-five multiple-choice questions, each of which tests the examinee’s familiarity with a key feature of English structure. This section includes a range of structures from simple to more complex, as well as a range of vocabulary from beginning to advanced. There are two question types, each with on-screen examples.

  • Writing – 25 minutes/2 parts

    • Part 1: Examinee is asked to write a short note, geared at the low-intermediate level, on a supplied topic in response to instructions (5 minutes / 50-75 words).

    • Part 2: Examinee is presented with a brief, low-advanced level written topic and is asked to express and support his/her opinion on the topic (20 minutes / 175-225 words).

  • Speaking – 5 minutes/2 parts

    • Part 1: Examinee hears and reads a short question geared at low-intermediate level. Examinee has 30 seconds to prepare a spoken response, and 45 seconds to speak.

    • Part 2: Examinee hears a brief low-advanced level statement presenting two sides of an issue. Examinee is then asked to express his/her thoughts on the topic, with 45 seconds to prepare, and 60 seconds to speak.


Test Length


Total actual test time per examinee is approximately 50 minutes for iTEP Academic and 80 minutes for iTEP Academic-Plus. In addition, test administrators allocate an additional 10 minutes for pre-test instructions and examinee questions.


Delivery Method


The iTEP Academic exam is delivered via the Internet and must be administered at a secure location or a Certified iTEP Test Center.


  • Reading, listening, and grammar sections: Examinee selects one of the four answer choices for each question

  • Writing samples are keyboarded directly into a text entry field

  • Speaking samples are recorded with a headset/microphone at the examinee’s computer

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